In the last email newsletter, I asked for 10-20 beta readers for my latest manuscript, Emberhawk. Y’all responded, and I’ve selected 18 awesome applicants:
- Kimberly N. – veteran Beta Team member
- Emileigh L. – veteran Beta Team member
- Daniel N. – veteran Beta Team member
- Heather T. – veteran Beta Team member
- Robert H.
- Dionne W.
- Jeremy B.
- Lucy L.
- Darlene L.
- Betty K.
- Hann R.
- Linda B.
- Rebecca T.
- Sadie S.
- Desirae L.
- Asa
- Victoria C.
- Heather B.

The Beta Team application is now closed, but if you’ve been a beta reader, editor, or proofer for me before and want to join the team, shoot me an email and I’ll get you in one of the two remaining spots.
Emberhawk will be sent out to the Beta Team in just a few weeks, hopefully early December–keep an eye on your email inbox for your Google Drive/Google Doc invite to the manuscript. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
Thanks so much, y’all! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts!
So many congrats to the readers selected!
Oh my gosh! My name! I see my name!!! 😳😱
LOL, yes ma’am! Thanks so much for being on the team!! ♥️😘