Thursday was supposed to be an awesome day. Keanan and I were celebrating Valentine’s Day a bit late, and I was so excited for a rare mental break.
Our daughter got to play at her grandma’s while I enjoyed a day of website work for my newest awesome client, Uncommon Universes Press. Another client, Golden Keyes Parsons, emailed and texted me about her Facebook page and the marketing plan for her upcoming release, The Gift of the Inn, as I worked.
I finished up just in time and headed out for a romantic date. Fancy-shmancy restaurant and John Wick 2—aww yeah.
Half-way through the movie, I had the random urge to check my phone, which I never do during a movie. I’d received an email from Golden’s assistant.
Golden had been killed in a car wreck that morning.
The shock was horrifying and paralyzing. I learned later that Golden had been in the back seat of a car that had slowed due to traffic delays—onlookers were taking photos of an accident on the other side of the highway. An 18-wheeler driver took his eyes off the road, he admitted, and slammed into the back of Golden’s car. She was killed instantly.

Golden and I at Ladies Night 2016 at the Living Room Bookstore in Bastrop, TX, where we first met. Left to right: bookstore owner Kimberly Burns, author Evelyn Richesin, author Golden Keyes Parsons, author Jamie Foley, and author Angela Castillo.
I know Golden is happy now, but she leaves her family and her team with a sadness I can’t describe. People tend to speak well of those who’ve passed on, but I’m not exaggerating in the slightest when I say that Golden was one of the best people I’ve ever known. She was Godly, strong, joyful, beautiful, and she’d tell it like it is. She had this look—hoo boy, did she have a good stink eye. You’d better look out, son.
Her memorial service yesterday was so beautiful, and very healing for me. But I’ll never forget her, and if her family decides to publish The Gift of the Inn as planned this October, be sure and grab a copy. Before it comes out, make sure to grab her masterpiece, In the Shadow of the Sun King. You won’t regret it.
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