The Sentinel Trilogy book 3: Sage
Unlike my other novels, I’m not allowing alpha readers to have access to Sage on a chapter-by-chapter basis, as soon as I finish writing them. Trust me, this is a good thing for you! I’m wrapping up a trilogy here, and it gets so intense in some parts that you’d kill me if you had to wait a week or two for me to finish the next chapter.
But I will be giving beta readers access to the full manuscript as soon as it’s complete, which will be by Christmas if I meet my goal. I’m participating in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) to finish up the last half of Sage—you can watch my daily progress on the NaNoWriMo website!
Want to be a beta reader and get full access to the first draft of Sage for free? Send me an email at jamiesfoley@gmail.com.
Beta readers who finish the novel will receive:
- A first-edition autographed paperback of Sage as soon as it’s complete
- Your name on the Thank You page inside the book
- Exclusive, free access to the manuscript before its published and the ability to give the author your honest thoughts
No, you don’t have to be a super awesome fancy professional editor to be a beta reader—I’m looking for a diverse team. If you’ll have fun reading and will give your honest thoughts often in the form of comments, you’ll make a good beta reader! 🙂
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