At long last, I have reached and passed the 50% mark for writing Lotusfall, The Katrosi Revolution book 3! Thank you all for your patience with me. I’m so excited to finish this book!

How about a sneak peek?

The Lotusfall storyline is very character-driven, as Kira and Ryon seek to begin their new life together, Brooke and Lysander attempt to disentangle themselves from politics, and Vylia and Sousuke struggle for freedom… but the dark hunger of their enemies, an ancient relic hidden in an underground vault, and Felix’s secret maneuverings threaten to pull them back into a fight not just for their lives, or for the survival of the Tribal Alliance, or the independence of the Navakovrae Resistance from the tyrannical Malaano Empire, but for the sake of all Alani.

I’m wondering if I should allow alpha readers to begin reading now, releasing one new chapter each Friday until I finish writing (that’s the goal, at least!), or if I should wait to allow anyone to read it until I’ve finished writing the entire manuscript. What do you think?

And would you like to be an alpha reader, who reads theΒ veryΒ raw first draft as I write each week, or a beta reader, who can read the entire slightly-less-raw manuscript at once after I’ve finished it and done a round of self-editing? Alpha and beta readers both have the opportunity to give their suggestions to me directly, and readers who finish the book will get their name in the acknowledgments and receive a FREE autographed, first edition paperback with swag.

Let me know in the comments below! πŸ™‚