Got a blog? Love reading YA novels? Enjoy showering your followers with free stuff?
Consider joining The Sentinel Trilogy blog tour celebrating the release of book 2, Arbiter, during May 3-13, 2017!
Select bloggers receive:
- Three prizes to give away to your audience:
- An interview with the author
- An exclusive excerpt from Arbiter
- A link to a press kit including the aforementioned digital content, the author’s bio and photo, book covers, and more
- A shout-out to your blog on the day of your post from the author’s Facebook & Twitter
OPTIONAL: If you’d like to read and review the book(s), select your preferred format using the form below. And if you leave an honest review on Amazon.com for any of the books, the author will sign paperback copies of the reviewed title(s) just for you.
Bloggers are not required to read or review the books in order to participate in the blog tour.
Sound good? Pick a day you’d like to post on!
Tour schedule:
- Wednesday, May 3 (Arbiter launch day)
- Thursday, May 4
- Friday, May 5
- Saturday, May 6
- Sunday, May 7
- Monday, May 8
- Tuesday, May 9
- Wednesday, May 10
- Thursday, May 11
- Friday, May 12
- Saturday, May 13
The fine print
If your audience is very small, you may not be selected to receive the signed paperback and $10 gift card to give away, but never fear! All participating bloggers will receive the digital book bundle and all other perks.
The paperback giveaway is restricted to US residents only, but the $10 gift card and digital book bundle giveaways may be international. Select and submit the winner(s) from your audience and send their name, email, and mailing address (if necessary) to jamie@jamiesfoley.com at the end of the tour. You don’t have to worry about shipping prizes!
Sounds like so much fun!! I recently picked up Sentinel at the Living Room Christian Book Store and LOVE it so far.
Hey, so happy to hear it! Glad to have you on board the tour! 🙂