Welcome to the Beta Team for The Sentinel Trilogy book 3: Sage! I’m so glad to have ya. 

How does this work?


1. Sends an invite to your provided email address with private access the manuscript of Sage on Google Drive. Each chapter is a separate Google Doc.
You can access the full chapter list in the email invitation, or you can search for specific chapters by going to https://drive.google.com/drive/my-drive and searching for "Sage" in the search bar.

4. Lists your first name in the acknowledgements section of Sage. If you want something different, just let Jamie know.

6. Mails you an autographed first edition as soon as the paperback version is released (March 10, 2018)! And if you left an Amazon review for The Sentinel Trilogy box set as well, I'll also stuff some swag and goodies in your package as an extra thank-you. 🙂




2. Enjoy reading Sage! Edits are due on February 19, when I will have to move foward with inputting edits and formatting the book for publication.

Feel free to keep reading until March 5, though—any comments left after February 19 will still help improve the next version of the book.

3. Leave comments by selecting text and right-clicking it, then hitting "Comment." Give your honest feelings, suggestions, and constructive criticism (no matter how big or small)!

Don't feel pressured to leave tons of comments, but I'd love to hear anything and everything you'd like to say. Please leave at least one comment with your overall thoughts at the bottom of each chapter where it says "Beta Team."

5. Write an honest review on Amazon.com and Goodreads.com too if you like. Keep in mind that the majority of your changes will be reflected in the final version, and that what you read was the unedited first draft. 🙂

If you'd like to leave an Amazon.com review for The Sentinel Trilogy box set as well, I'll send you extra goodies with your signed paperback.



You will receive an email from Google Drive. Each chapter of Sage is a separate Google Doc, and there will be links to each one in this email.

You can also find any chapter by searching for “Sage” in your Google Drive.

Haven’t received this email? Let me know at jamie@jamiesfoley.com.

First, open up a chapter document inside Google Drive/Google Docs.

To leave a comment on any part of the text, select the text in question by clicking and dragging. Then right-click on your selection and click “Comment.”

Or, when you select the text you want to comment on, an icon should appear on the right side of the page. It looks like a speech box with a plus sign in it. Click this to leave a comment.

Don’t forget to hit the blue “Comment” button when you’re done! 🙂

All kinds! If you think a scene is moving too fast or too slow, if you absolutely hate or love a character, if you find a spelling or grammatical error, if you detest a situation, if you can visualize the setting, if something made you laugh or cry… let me know!

If you want to say something critical, just be constructive and offer suggestions. I have iron skin, I promise. Just don’t be vague–I will need specifics to understand and fix your issue. 🙂

Specifically, I’d like help with:

  • Sniffing out typos, spelling errors, and grammatical issues
  • Plot holes *shudder* or story elements that don’t make sense to you
  • Wording of a sentence or phrase that just doesn’t sound right
  • Things you don’t think a character would say or do

I also want to know your general thoughts at the end of each chapter—namely, if you aren’t having fun and want to stop reading or you’re having a blast and can hardly stop to comment.

Your feedback is priceless—it is either the criticism I need to improve or the encouragement I need to keep writing. So don’t hold back! 🙂

Then definitely let me know what turned you off, and feel no pressure to keep reading! The purpose of my writing is to entertain. The last thing I want is for you to be reading something you don’t like!

No prob! Life happens, and I totally get that. If you need to stop reading, don’t sweat it. Just let me know so I can unsubscribe you from beta reader emails and stop buggin’ ya.

Depending on how far you got in the story and whether or not you left reviews anyway, I might or might not mention your name in the acknowledgments section or send you an autographed first edition.