By some miracle, The Katrosi Revolution book 2: Silverblood won an award, and at my favorite conference, no less! I’m still in shock.
Funny that I was in costume as Brooke from The Katrosi Revolution series while accepting the award! If you want to see my over-the-top costume, you can watch the award ceremony video here (the Fantasy category begins at 1:46:48).
I can’t thank you enough—yes, you. If you’re reading this right now, it means you’re one of my biggest fans and supporters. It’s been a long road with deep pot holes, but to be honored like this is incredible, and I couldn’t have done it without your encouragement. Thank you!
Soli Deo gloria!
Congratulations also to Gillian Bronte Adams, winner of the Book of the Year and the Epic Fantasy category (Of Fire and Ash surely would have beaten Silverblood if the fantasy category hadn’t been split in half this year!), and to all of the other winners and finalists. Sláinte!
Silverblood is available in audiobook, hardcover, paperback, and ebook. You can also grab a signed copy with swag! Just remember that Silverblood is book 2 in The Katrosi Revolution series. You might be a little lost without reading book 1, Emberhawk, first!
So who just watched the award ceremony and is sitting here like a complete idiot bawling in Alabama? That would be me. You are so lucky that I was not there because I would have absolutely blubbered like an idiot and embarrassed you to death
LOL I would have loved for you to be there! I was bawling too and had black face paint running everywhere! XD
So deserved. Not just an amazing writer, but a beautiful human being. Congratulations!
Aww, thank you so much!! 🙂
And well-deserved too! Silverblood is definitely going on my favorite reads list this year, personally! I’m SO thrilled it won this award!!! Huge congrats!
Thank you so much! It’s encouragement from amazing people like you that gives me motivation! 🙂 <3