christmas card

Merry Christmas 2022

By |2022-12-18T23:36:49-06:00December 19th, 2022|Blog|

Christmas is just a little bit more fun when you Photoshop your family into a geeky movie poster for the annual Christmas card. Starring my daughter as Harry Potter, me as Hermione, hubby as Ron, Jack the Old Man Dog as Dumbledore, River as Hagrid (tongue blep included), and our bearded dragon, Raphael, [...]

Justice League: Merry Christmas from the Foleys!

By |2017-12-17T21:02:39-06:00December 17th, 2017|Blog|

Every year I Photoshop a different nerd-themed Christmas card. Because reasons. This year I just had to do Justice League. Not because I particularly liked the movie—I was expecting something better after how much I liked the Wonder Woman movie with Gal Gadot—but because my 3-year-old daughter is obsessed with Wonder Woman. And I [...]

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