The Sentinel Trilogy book 3: Sage
I’m going to reach my goal of finishing The Sentinel Trilogy book 3: Sage before Christmas! I am so excited about the conclusion to the Trilogy. I feel like I just shuffled around on carpet in socks until my hair stood on end. Seriously.
Invitations to my beta reader team will go out within the next few days, so if you’d like to read it and haven’t asked for an invite, send me an email at jamiesfoley@gmail.com.
In addition to exclusive access to the Sage manuscript two months before it will be published, beta readers receive:
· An autographed first-edition paperback as soon as Sage is printed
· Special gifts and goodies as you read
· The ability to give your honest thoughts and opinions, which will shape the final book
· Your name on the Acknowledgements page
You don’t have to be a super professional editor to be an awesome beta reader. All I ask for are your true opinions and an honest review on Amazon.com, BarnesAndNoble.com, and Goodreads.com when you finish reading. 🙂
Sound good? Shoot me an email and reserve your spot on the team—there are only three spots left!
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