I had so much fun with this interview with Laurie at Lands Uncharted. It includes some behind-the-scenes snippets and a sneak peek into Arbiter!

Here’s a preview:

Can you tell us anything about your work-in-progress?

Oh yes, I just finished writing a chapter of The Sentinel Trilogy book 2: Arbiter this morning!

In this story, the heroes are torn apart from one another—half-way across the world. Jet is the main character, but we also get perspectives from his little sister Aleah, a healer who doesn’t know who to trust, Darien, who learns more about his long-lost parents than he ever wanted to know, and a charming new villain whose job is to make slaves out of the super-powered heroes—and he’s very good at his job…

Check out the full interview on Lands Uncharted >>