Ryon is one of the 3 main characters in Emberhawk—the “invisible spy.”
Although Ryon may seem like just a selfish thief or a laid-back jokester at first, he conceals many secrets—from the adorable to the heart-wrenching. Torn between the honor of his birthplace and allegiance to the tribe who accepted him, Ryon plays a crucial role in a war he wants nothing to do with.
His theme song is The Fox by Nickel Creek, which my hubby and I belt out in the car while our 5-year-old excitedly tries to keep up.
The fox went out on a chilly night
He prayed for the moon to give him light
For he’d many a mile to go that night
Before he reached the town-o, town-o, town-o
He’d many a mile to go that night before he reached the town-o
He ran till he came to the farmer’s pin
The ducks and the geese were kept therein
He said, “A couple of you are gonna grease my chin
Before I leave this leave this town-o, town-o, town-o.
A couple of you are gonna grease my chin before I leave this town-o.”
He grabbed the great goose by the neck
He threw a duck across his back
And he didn’t mind the quack, quack
And the legs all danglin’ down-o, down-o, down-o
He didn’t mind the quack, quack and the legs all dangling down-o
Well, the old gray woman jumped out of bed
Out of the window she popped her head
Crying, “John, John! The great goose is gone
And the fox is on the town-o, town-o, town-o!
John, John! The great goose is gone and the fox is on the town-o!”
He ran till he came to his nice, warm den
And there were the little ones: eight, nine, ten
Sayin’, “Daddy, Daddy! Better go back again
It must be a mighty fine town-o, town-o, town-o!
Daddy, Daddy! Go back again, for it must be a mighty fine town-o!”
The fox and his wife, without any strife
They cut up the goose with a fork and a knife
And they never had such a supper in their life
And the little one’s chewin’ on the bones-o, bones-o, bones-o
They never had such a supper in their life and the little one’s chewin’ on the bones
Character Art
What do you think of the character art above? I had so much fun making it in Photoshop!
Ryon’s eye color changes depending on how much elemental magic is in his blood. I’m pretty happy with the way the fiery hue turned out here, which is how he might look at the beginning of Emberhawk.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments below! 🙂
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