
Sentinel audiobook now available on Audible & iTunes

By |2020-01-25T16:31:04-06:00January 9th, 2020|Blog|

The Sentinel audiobook is finally here! What an awesome journey this has been, from Kickstarter to Audible to iTunes. Thank you so much to the awesome voice actor, Stephen A. Johnson, and to everyone who supported this project on Kickstarter! Abi Claire, author of Martin Hospitality Alex M. Angela Castillo, [...]

The Kickstarter is almost over!

By |2019-07-09T09:20:26-06:00July 18th, 2019|Blog|

Well, friends, the Sentinel Audiobook Kickstarter is 78% funded (WOOHOO) but it's about to end! If it doesn't fully fund, I don't get ANY of the moolah to pay my voice actor. Dagnabbit! First-edition signed hardcovers, T-shirts, posters, and lots more swag (at huge discounts)... What's not to love? Check out the [...]

WHAT?? A Sentinel Trilogy audiobook Kickstarter??

By |2019-06-15T18:22:27-06:00June 15th, 2019|Blog|

GUYS. I'm so stoked to announce the launch of hardcover and audiobooks for The Sentinel Trilogy in a new Kickstarter! But what's a Kickstarter, you ask? And who's the voice actor?? Check out dis video: We need to raise $1,000 to produce the audiobook for Sentinel, and if we raise more, we can produce other books [...]

Know any awesome voice actors?

By |2018-01-31T12:40:31-06:00January 31st, 2018|Blog|

Matthew Mercer (left), every nerd's favorite voice actor. Especially mine. I'm going to make The Sentinel Trilogy into audiobooks! Sentinel is now accepting auditions at the Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX). If you know any epic voice actors who would be willing to split the royalties with me 50/50, have them drop me a line. [...]

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