Jamie Foley

About Jamie Foley

Howdy! I'm Jamie. I write fantasy books and love strategy games, home-grown berries, and Texas winters. I'm terrified of plot holes and red wasps. My husband is my manly cowboy astronaut muse. We live between Austin and the cattle ranch, where our hyperactive spawnling and wolfpack can run free.

Teravyn’s root beer

By |2015-03-29T22:42:11-06:00August 15th, 2014|Behind the Scenes, The Sentinel Trilogy|

Teravyn Aetherswift’s obsession with root beer was inherited from my great grandmother, Alma, who always had a mini fridge stocked full of A&W root beer. I was every bit as loving and possessive of the stuff until I stopped my habitual coke drinking for health reasons. (In Texas, every carbonated beverage is called 'coke,' m'kay?) [...]

Garrett and The Emperor’s New Groove

By |2017-05-17T09:35:27-06:00August 8th, 2014|Behind the Scenes, The Sentinel Trilogy|

Darien snarled and shoved him away. "Easy for you to be all gung-ho; your name is Kyou Hayate. 'Cause you look so Malaano." Garrett smirked. "Don't be jealous, Eugene. My third cousin's brother's wife's step-niece's great aunt was Malaano." excerpted from Sentinel ... twice removed. Sound familiar? I'm proud of you for recognizing the reference [...]

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