
The latest from Jamie Foley’s chaotic mind on books, gardening, games, and life on planet Earth (and elsewhere).

Silverblood cover reveal

By |2020-11-03T11:13:24-06:00March 18th, 2020|Blog|

In case you missed the cover reveal for The Katrosi Revolution book 2: Silverblood during the Emberhawk launch livestream, here it is for your viewing pleasure! Coming June 29, 2021 from Fayette Press. Pre-order for Kindle is available now on So, what do you think?? :D

Coronapocalypse Giveaway – TODAY ONLY!

By |2020-03-18T13:22:33-06:00March 18th, 2020|Blog|

All of these fantasy books are free on Kindle today only! Stock up for the Coronapocalypse. 😂 Grab your copy on Amazon quick: Renegade Skyfarer Forged Steel Sentinel The Amazing Adventures of Toby the Trilby Steampunk Fairy Tales The Three Royal Children and the Batty Aunt

It’s Emberhawk release day! Launch party TONIGHT

By |2020-03-10T09:58:16-06:00March 10th, 2020|Blog|

It's finally here! 😄😄😄Emberhawk is now available for hardcover, paperback, Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, and signed versions, too. And audiobook is coming to Audible and iTunes any day now! Grab your copy hot off the press:  Launch Party Livestream TONIGHT! Tune in for giveaways, Q&A (ask the author anything!) and a cover reveal of book [...]

Emberhawk Livestream Launch Party + Cover Reveal

By |2020-02-26T00:41:40-06:00February 26th, 2020|Blog|

It's party time!! Join the Emberhawk launch party for an author Q&A, giveaways, and the cover reveal for The Katrosi Revolution book 2, Silverblood! WHERE: WHEN: March 10, 2020 at 8-9PM CST Jamie will be answering all of your burning questions in a Facebook livestream and giving away fabulous prizes. Giveaways will include adorable fluffy fox [...]

ARC & Swag Pack Giveaway Winners!

By |2020-02-05T10:40:15-06:00February 5th, 2020|Blog|

Oh my goodness, there were so many awesome entries for the Emberhawk ARC Giveaway! Thank you all so much for your interest—I wish I could declare you ALL winners!! There were many influencers who won a digital copy, but I know how much more fun it is to post on your Instagram or [...]

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