Advance Release Copies (ARCs) of Silverblood are now available! It’s finally happening, y’all! *screams in gryphon*

e-ARCs will be given to reviewers and/or promoters only. If you’re willing to leave a review on Amazon or you’re a #bookstagram maniac, that means you!

For your chance to be selected to receive a .PDF, .EPUB (universal ebook file), or .MOBI (Kindle ebook file), fill out the form below and Jamie will get back to you lickety-split if you’re selected.

Don’t share spoilers! Silverblood launches on July 6, 2021. Can’t wait!!

Silverblood: The Katrosi Revolution book 2

Silverblood: The Katrosi Revolution book 2

$14.99 paperback, $34.99 hardcovereBook: $5.99

The Jade Witch sacrifices everything to save her people from one enemy—by forging an alliance with another.

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