Jamie Foley

About Jamie Foley

Howdy! I'm Jamie. I write fantasy books and love strategy games, home-grown berries, and Texas winters. I'm terrified of plot holes and red wasps. My husband is my manly cowboy astronaut muse. We live between Austin and the cattle ranch, where our hyperactive spawnling and wolfpack can run free.

Merry Christmas and a bookish New Year! 📚

By |2023-12-26T16:38:53-06:00December 26th, 2023|Blog|

It's Minecraft—where Texans can have a white Christmas I hope you all had a beautiful and blessed Christmas! As you are enjoying the lights and carols and warm hearth (unless you are in Texas, in which case you are enjoying the warm sun), don't forget the reason for the season: Jesus Christ, God [...]

The Sun Still Rises

By |2023-06-20T18:35:19-06:00June 20th, 2023|Blog|

To my beloved patient readers: I finally have some new writing for you! Behold, The Sun Still Rises. I wrote a short story, Crimson Stain, for this anthology honoring the late author Lani Forbes. When I met Lani at Realm Makers in 2021, I was amazed at her positivity as she walked through [...]

Meet Jamie at Realm Makers 2023!

By |2023-06-20T17:11:02-06:00June 20th, 2023|Blog|

Jamie will be at Realm Makers 2023 representing Enclave Publishing and Fayette Press! Stop by either booth and say hi, and be real sneaky and cross your fingers if you want to hear some spoilers about what she's been working on. Jamie's books will be available for sale at the Book Festival (which [...]

Merry Christmas 2022

By |2022-12-18T23:36:49-06:00December 19th, 2022|Blog|

Christmas is just a little bit more fun when you Photoshop your family into a geeky movie poster for the annual Christmas card. Starring my daughter as Harry Potter, me as Hermione, hubby as Ron, Jack the Old Man Dog as Dumbledore, River as Hagrid (tongue blep included), and our bearded dragon, Raphael, [...]

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