The final aether gifts are revealed in The Sentinel Trilogy book 2: Arbiter, releasing this Wednesday, May 3! Grab your copy for Amazon Kindle or signed paperback!
Here’s a sneak-peek of the aether gifts portion of the glossary…
- AETHER The energy source for spiritual gifts. It is generated by one’s soul and is invisible, but can be sensed by aethryn. Depending on one’s gift, it might be detected in the form of a color, a scent, a taste, or otherwise.
- ARBITER A spiritual gift that can transfer thoughts and memories from one mind to another.
- EXORCIST A rare spiritual gift that can siphon another’s aether. A slang term for an exorcist is ‘vampire.’
- HEALER A spiritual gift that can detect injury and fuse torn flesh together. Master healers can learn to cure certain illnesses.
- SAGE A spiritual gift that allows the user to see possible futures.
- SENTINEL A spiritual gift that can release aether in powerful waves or compact strikes.
- SIFTER A rare spiritual gift that can sense aether from great distances and conceal its own aether signature.
- VALNAH A spiritual gift that can influence the feelings and emotions of others. Means ‘song of courage’ in the Ancient language.
- VANGUARD A spiritual gift that can create walls of aether, varying in strength depending on the user’s skill.
- WEAVER A rare spiritual gift that can bind aether into physical objects. Bound aether diminishes very slowly over time.
Arbiter: The Sentinel Trilogy Book 2
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Archangels return to Alani, creating a new generation of Serrans... for a price.
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